Innovative Printing Kickstarter Projects to Watch Out For

Kickstart printing projects

Bacon flavored soap, a giant inflatable sculpture of Lionel Richie’s head and a drink flask hidden inside a fake baby… these may not be things that instantly come to mind when you think of practical new inventions. However, the global crowdfunding platform Kickstarter helps bring these rather bizarre ventures to fruition as well as creative new ideas and inventions that will actually have an impact on our daily lives.

Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film and Video, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology and Theater are the 13 categories within which creators categorize their projects. With the kind of interest that 3D printing currently attracts, there are several really exciting and innovative printing projects that individuals and small companies are creating and hoping to get backing for.

For a great many of us, funding a project that hopes to create the world’s largest jock strap or crystal bacon (yes, apparently that’s a thing) or the world’s sexiest phone charger (sexiness clearly being in the eyes of the beholder here) or a robot to fold laundry don’t make much sense. OK, maybe we want that laundry folding robot after all…. but how about being able to ‘print’ a clay pot? Or a project for developing 3D printing filament that helps you go green by using recycled plastic?

There are some terrific new inventions in the pipeline; 3D printing truly seems to have come of age in an affordable, practical and usable way. This is not pie in the sky; these are inventions that you and I may actually be using in our homes and offices soon if we aren’t doing so already:

Successful 3D Pinter Kickstarter Projects

The Affordable Professional 3D Printer project is an easy to use, professional grade system that replicates high end product output at a fraction of the cost. The project attracted 2,068 backers who ended up pledging nearly 3 million dollars for a project with a $100,000 goal.

The ROBO 3D Printer, a low cost, open source option helps bring ideas to life for architects, designers, hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts, students and homeowners. The project was funded 1,325% ($649,663 was pledged as against $49,000 goal) and is thought to be able to create household items, phone cases, spare parts, using simple, free 3D modeling software.

The Buccaneer 3D Printer that Everyone Can Use – Rather than using the usual spools of plastic, this printer uses machine integrated cartridges. Toys, home décor, cups customized to your exact liking; the printer helps you create and edit everyday objects with a few drags and clicks.

Zim, the true Consumer-oriented 3D printer is a dual head personal printer project that includes dual extruders, onboard camera, device control and refillable cartridges and was successfully funded by 344 backers.

The Ink Dial is an innovative tool designed to help mix colors accurately. The project that looked to manufacture a dozen set of ink dials to use in diverse environments was fully funded by 299 backers.

3D Pinter Kickstarter Projects in the Pipeline

The 3D printer program for High Schools hope so get students interested in their study material. The program with an $8,750 goal includes curriculum for high school kids, a 3D printer and materials.
The Pancake Printer is, well, a pancake printer! Draw a desired pancake shape on a touch screen and ‘print’ the pancake you want!

World’s First Professionally Recycled 3D Printing Filament helps you go green. The project hopes to create printing earth friendly printing filament from recycled ABS plastic material; offering high quality print output at a fraction of the carbon footprint.

Filament-The Metallic Printer Filament for Artists and Makers lets people create metallic objects using an existing 3D printer. The filaments are infused with different metals to help create bronze, copper or brass objects.

PRINT MY FEET is a project that wants to attract funding for DJ Rewind to print his own foot, which he lost in a motorcycle accident. He wants to buy a 3D printer for his own prosthetic foot and to help others in a similar situation.

The Print in Clay Ceramic 3D printer project hopes to raise £420 for Alice Corby’s ceramics degree.

Any interesting 3D print projects you’d like to share with us -Your own or something you heard of elsewhere? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section or via our Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest pages

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