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  • MSRP: $17.99
  • Model: C8774WN
  • Color: Light Cyan
  • Page Yield: 220

Product Information

Product Information

Hewlett Packard C8774WN / 02 Replacement Light Cyan Inkjet Cartridge for HP PhotoSmart 8250 / C7250 / D7160 & Various Other Printers

This replacement Hewlett Packard (HP) 02 light cyan ink cartridge replaces HP 02 original light cyan ink cartridge (C8774WN). The replacement HP 02 ink cartridge is just as high quality as an original HP cartridge and is compatible with HP Photosmart printers. All ComboInk HP 02 inkjet cartridges are thoroughly cleaned, tested, and inspected before stocking. They will never void your printer's guarantee. The HP 02 replacement cartridge is ideal for printing from everyday documents to vivid photos of your special memories. Plus the cartridge's smart chip indicator makes continuous adjustments to optimize print quality, enhance reliability and cost effectiveness, and monitor ink levels.
Our products will never void your printer's warranty.
All ink & toner come with a one-year 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Product Type INK
Replaces OEM # HP 02 / C8774WN
Color Light Cyan
Product Capacity Standard
Ink Volume 5.5 ml
Approximate Page Yield 220
Cost per page 2.04 cents
Number of pieces 1
Product Shelf Life 18-24 months

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