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  • MSRP: $9.99
  • Model: 6 ft usb mini b cable
  • Color: N/A

Product Information

Product Information

28 AWG USB 2.0 Hi-Speed A to Mini B Device Cable 6ft. / AM to Mini BM (5 pins)

The ComboInk 6ft. 2.0 micro USB cable is ideal for connecting with your printers or syncing with your smart phone, tablet, and other mini USB-friendly devices. Durable and strong, our high-speed USB 2.0 cable is compatible with USB 1.0, USB 1.1, and USB 2.0 equipment.
Our products will never void your printer's warranty.
All ink & toner come with a one-year 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Product Type
Replaces OEM #
Color N/A
Product Shelf Life 18-24 months

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