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  • MSRP: $174.95
  • Model: 8.5x11 Glossy Magnet Sheet
  • Color: N/A

Product Information

Product Information

Premium Glossy Inkjet Magnet Sheets, 8.5 x 11, Cast Coated - 50 Sheet Pack

Our Premium 8.5" x 11" Glossy Magnet Sheets (50 sheets pack) are perfect for creating custom magnets. Your children, colleagues, and friends will appreciate the fun magnets you can make for both home and office. Our glossy magnet paper has a smooth surface and delivers fuss-free photo printing. All magnet sheets are cast-coated to be smudge-free and fade-resistant. The glossy sheet weighs 680gsm and is compatible with almost all photo printers. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Our products will never void your printer's warranty.
All ink & toner come with a one-year 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Product Type
Replaces OEM #
Color N/A
Product Shelf Life 18-24 months

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