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  • MSRP: $39.95
  • Model: 5x7 Woven Photo Paper
  • Color: N/A

Product Information

Product Information

Premium Woven Textured Inkjet Photo Paper (5X7) 100 sheets - Resin Coated

Our Premium 5 x 7 inch Woven Textured Inkjet Photo Paper 100 sheet pack is great for printing photos taken from your digital camera. This photo paper has a woven textured surface, so when your picture is printed on our woven textured photo paper, it looks like the picture was printed on a professional fabric. This premium woven textured photo paper is specially resin-coated, water resistant, and scratch-proof to help your photos look great and last longer. Most other photo paper only weighs between 200 - 240g, but our Premium Woven Textured Photo Paper weighs 260g (or 69 lb). In addition, this woven textured photo paper is universally coated to use with most inkjet printers on the market.
Our products will never void your printer's warranty.
All ink & toner come with a one-year 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications
Product Type
Replaces OEM #
Color N/A
Product Shelf Life 18-24 months

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